Work Place Stress – Tool Box Talks
Is stress a good thing or a bad thing?
Each of you will view stress in a different manner, stresses come in all shapes, sizes, amounts and so on. We
all bring an element of stress to the job with us, what is important is how we handle the stress in our lives.
Job stress is the physical and emotional harm that occurs when the requirements of a job do not match the
capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury.
In 1990, a local court upheld a compensation claim by a construction worker who had difficulty keeping up
with the pressures of the job site. To avoid falling behind, he tried to take on more tasks and often got parts
mixed up. As a result, he was repeatedly yelled at by the foreman. He suffered a psychological breakdown.
- Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you have?
- How do you handle the pressure? (For example, do you talk with other workers, keep to yourself, or
discuss it with your supervisor?)
- Tell your supervisor you are overwhelmed
- Reduce job stress by taking care of yourself
- Engage in regular exercise, it is a powerful stress reliever.
- Realize that your job may not be the best option for your personality or with your other
responsibilities (such as children, school, and medical conditions). - Make sure you seek medical attention, if you begin to experience the following conditions:
- Frequent headaches
- Inability to sleep
- Difficulty concentrating
- Upset stomach
- Short Temper
- Other